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Tree of Peace

About Tree of peace 







In Hiroshima, there is a tree that has continued to live strongly despite the atomic bombing, with its roots growing in the ground to this day.

For 75 years, not a single plant or tree has grown. The trees that sprouted from the burnt ruins have grown and continue to heal and give hope to the people of Hiroshima.

These trees are still carefully cared for, watched over, and nurtured.

The trees are pruned and cut down during the maintenance work, but the precious pruned trees are not thrown away, and we would like to revitalize them into something that will bring peace, love, and the power of life to people.

We believe that these prunings will be passed on to the hands of others and lead to peace.


Memories and future spun by trees






Imagine looking at the grain of the wood....

You may be able to feel the various atmospheres of the trees, though they do not move, and feel the history and love that have watched over and followed the people of the world.

And those trees are still alive today. We put symbols on our products so that you can recognize the original wood of the woodwork that has changed its shape. You can go back to the roots of the product you hold in your hand.

We hope you can feel the toughness of trees that have survived the fires of war and the preciousness of life that envelops and extends its branches even after wounds. We hope that this green will never disappear again.

Symbols engraved on ballpoint pen


一つ一つ記号を刻字してあり、HP に記号ごとの木の場所やルーツの説明 をしていますので この製品はどこの木でどんな歴史があるのか分かる様にしています。 実際にその木に会いに行ってみるのも素敵ですね。

You can find out the roots of the product.

Each product is individually engraved with a symbol, and the location of the tree and its roots are explained on the website, so you can find out where the tree is from and what kind of history it has. It would be nice to visit the tree in person.


A portion of the proceeds will be donated for the conservation of A-bombed trees.



芽吹いた樹木の木工品。 売上の一部は被爆樹木保全の為に寄付させて頂きます。

I want you to feel the powerful life force and the preciousness of peace...
Wooden crafts of trees that survived the war and sprouted. 
A portion of the proceeds will be donated to the A-bombed trees for their preservation.

A-bombed camphor tree at Misasa-jinja Shrine (No.k-1)










Mishino Shrine, located in Misasa-cho, Nishi-ku, Hiroshima City, has long been revered as the chief deity of Misasa-cho in the former Asa County.

On August 6, 1945, an atomic bomb blew off the walls of the shrine, and burned down the shrine and all the 300-year-old trees on the shrine grounds.

After the war, the shrine was gradually rebuilt and the camphor tree (a camphor tree that was harvested in the fall of 1945) was sown and raised as seedlings, and efforts were made to restore the shrine and its woods immediately after the bombing.

In 1955, Mr. Nakata , a resident of the town, donated a camphor tree that still spins life even after the bombing, and it was transplanted to the shrine grounds.

Today, the shrine's woods have been restored to the point where the devastation of the atomic bombing is hardly felt, and the A-bombed camphor tree is carefully protected as a sacred tree in the shrine.


A-bombed camphor tree (No.k-2) at Tachibana Transport Shop

広島市西区南観音にある橘運送店は、1953 年(昭和 28 年)に橘義夫が創業しました。

橘家の敷地内には大きなクスノキがあります。明治初期の海上輸送が主流だった頃、天満 川の雁木(がんぎ...舟着き場・石階段)の目印として、雁木に近い橘の敷地にクスノキが 植えられたそうです。

1945 年(昭和 20 年)8 月 6 日の原子爆弾投下により、当時推定樹齢 90 年のクスノキも 被爆しました。創業者 橘義夫は、原爆が落とされてから二十日後に戦地から復員。一面 焼け野原の広島駅から、原爆ドームの前を通って爆風で傾いた自宅までクスノキを目印に 歩いて帰ったと言います。

原爆ドームに面した側のクスノキの大枝は焼け落ち、 年月を経て残りの枝が伸びてきたそうです。クスノ キは伐採の話も出ましたが、先祖が植えたクスノキ を残し、次世代に繋ぐ事に決めました。

Tachibana Transport Store, located in Minamikanon, Nishi Ward, Hiroshima City, was founded by Yoshio Tachibana in 1953 .

There is a large camphor tree on the Tachibana family property. The camphor tree was planted on the Tachibana property, which is located close to a gangi (goose tree) on the Tenma River, as a landmark when marine transportation was the mainstream in the early Meiji period.

The camphor tree, which was estimated to be 90 years old at the time, was exposed to the atomic bombing on August 6, 1945. The founder, Yoshio Tachibana, was demobilized from the war zone 20 days after the atomic bomb was dropped. He walked from the burnt-out Hiroshima Station to his home, which was tilted by the blast, passing in front of the A-bomb Dome, using the camphor tree as a landmark.

A large branch of the camphor tree on the side facing the A-bomb Dome was burnt down, and the remaining branches have grown back over the years. There was talk of cutting down the camphor tree, but they decided to keep the camphor tree planted by their ancestors and pass it on to the next generation.


Tree of Peace Movie






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